A review by isabellarobinson7
Doctor Who: The Eyeless by Lance Parkin


Rating: 3 stars

Ugh, I am getting really sluggish when it comes to Goodreads this year. Whatever - I read this book. It was Doctor Who so of course I read it. But even though it was DW, it referenced Star Trek! And The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! And more! (But don't quote me on that. I'm writing this four days after finishing this book, so my memory is hazy.) It made me needlessly excited to hear those mentioned.

I also liked that the book acknowledged the existence of the actual TV series (referencing the Time War, Rose etc.) because these novels tend to try and stand on their own apart from what is really the source material. Which I fully respect, it would be hard reading these books without the background knowledge of the show, but for someone like me who has devoted so many waking hours of my life to staring at a Doctor Who-coloured screen, it was almost like a justification that all that time was worth something (I'm going to get too philosophical if I expand more on this and probably lay my psyche bare for all to see, so I'm just going to stop here *nervous laughter*). Anyway, *more nervous laughter* The Eyeless did get a bit wonky in terms of story towards the end, but I think that is more of a result of the extremely strict page count the New Series Adventures are limited to (I just checked and all the NSA I have read are all within five pages of one another! Yikes! And that could just be due to differing editions! Talk about restrictive.) so I don't totally blame the author for this.

There. Review done. I am trying to record my thoughts for every book I read this year (and looking at my current reading rate, that won't be hard) but I am seriously considering whether that is a good idea when my "reviews" are of this meagre quality. Sigh.