A review by tanya_tate
Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdieh

Did not finish book.
Edit June 5th: I'm thinking about giving this book another chance. It's been a year since I DNFed it so I think should revisited it to see can I finish it..

DNF @ 34%

The biggest disappointment of the year goes to...

Yep 2017 is officially cancelled.

I'm sitting here bored out my mind trying to connect with the characters and the world as a listen to it. It's so boring like watching paint dry. I couldn't for the life of me immerse myself into the world or give a shit to what happen to the characters. The only who perhaps had potential was Okami but he still felt bland compared to Khalid.

Shazi can whoop Mariko ass with a freaking arrow still in her shoulder blade. God she was insufferable on how the narrative goes on and on about her clever she is but she was more like a spoil brat.

This is NOT a Mulan retelling at all. Mulan posed as a soldier and to joined the war cause her father's ailing health. Also to bring honor to her family since she felt like she dishonored it. Not posing as a dude to sneak into a dangerous clan or killers who tried to kill her in order to find out who the hell hired the hit on her..

If I hear " like as" or Perhaps one more time...

This is not the Renee that I fell in love with her writing in The Wrath and the Dawn.

I don't know what the hell this is.

Also I perhaps I dodged the bullet by DNFing this earlier cause I heard it becomes instalove towards the end.

Another one bites the dust.
