A review by mandytheduck
Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers by Grant Naylor


When Lester gets drunk he ends up on the moon with one goal. Get home by one of two ways.
1. Get smashed and end back up on earth (problem is the booze on the moon is way to expensive)
2. Spend years of your life on a mining ship, and eventually end up on earth thru that
Sadly he picks number two.
Red Dwarf is amazingly funny. This is the first book I laughed out loud to. This has made me want to read more comedy books. Next up on the chopping block is Christopher Moore, but these writers worked hard to make a great book about slowly becoming a better person without you noticing, dealing with everyone you know being dead, and if you like a book with a condom joke in the first chapter... Worth your time. Please purchase now. Don't think just do. Book make you go haha.