A review by michael_taylor
Earth Dwellers by Erich Hoyt


You know when you go to a party and somebody there is really passionate about something that you have a passing interest in and they just keep talking to you about it? You stand there listening politely but eventually you sorta space out and when you zone back in, they are still talking about it!
That's the vibe of this book. Yes, ants are cool. Yes, there are lots of cool ant facts in here. I can't even really fault it for the way it is written. It's competent and readable. It just drones (pun intended) on and on. A budding myrmecologist would derive great pleasure out of this, I'm sure.

I assume that most people would come into this book with about the same knowledge of ants as I did (they farm fungus, they are studied as a superorganism, there are a kazillion different species...) but I don't know that anybody would come away from this book being inspired to know more about ants. As I was reading this book it was sliding off of my brain. I wouldn't ever read it again, nor would I recommend it to anybody I know. Except for my one friend in the book club who chose this book. I bet he loved it.