A review by emilymahar
Delirium by Lauren Oliver


I literally could not put this book down. I think I put it down about 5 times throughout the time that I was reading it, which was for meals and to sleep and do homework. When you start reading this book, you will not want to stop.

Lauren Oliver created a Dystopian world in the future, where something that in the present is cherished, in the future is consider a horrible disease - love. We follow Lena, who I really liked as a character. She wasn't all kick-butt, but she wasn't really a wimp either. She changes drastically throughout the book. In the beginning she starts out just like most everyone else in her world, a person who does what they are told and wouldn't think twice about doing otherwise. But then when she catches "deliria", from Alex, she becomes a totally different girl. She realizes that what the government thinks isn't always true, and works hard to fight against them for what she feels is right.

Sorry about getting a little summary-ish up there but that was the whole reason why I liked this book so much. In a way it's not just a cute love story, but it's a coming of age book, too. It ends with a major cliff hanger so if you read this one there is no way that you won't want to read the next one which is now on store shelves. I recommend this to someone who wants a light, sweet read, but also someone who wants a good Dystopian novel.