A review by rainbopagn
Book Lovers by Emily Henry


Alright Ms. Henry, you made me a romance fan. I might even go as far as to say I like the enemy to lovers trope.

I spent the entire book wanting to smash them together, or pull a Libby and trap them in an elevator. Anything to get her in his arms.

I loved the book within a book with the bits of Dusty’s new book. I adore Charlie (how he reminds me of my spouse and a certain sky pirate helps) and how he decided what he wanted and then proceeded to change everyone’s lives.

Libby struck a bit with me being the oldest sibling with a baby brother to care for after a mother’s death. The sisterhood is definitely well written and believable.

There isn’t much spice but what’s there is mostly sweet and fluffy and cute. I definitely found myself falling for Charlie a little too.

My one complaint? I wanted just two more pages to see the proposal!!

4.75/5 (am I a Nadine for taking a bit off for the missing proposal?…)