A review by colca
Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead


This book destroyed me! It was so amazing and suddenly everything made the whole crumple. So filled with I am not capable of writing spoilerless review so here comes the major SPOILER ALERT
First of all, I knew she wasn't crazy! Well, honestly, who didn't, but still that counts for something. Ghost Mason was even better than the alive one (I know probably unpopular opinion, but I will stand by it!) and knowing that he's happy and has found peace somewhere is really soothing. Probably the only soothing thing in this whole book. Which brings us to:
As soon as they had their happy moment in the cabin as soon as he told her how awesome future they can have together, I knew something bad was coming. I knew it! Well, I didn't know exactly he would turn strigoi, but I had the feeling he would die. So I was partly right. As far as YA books go, you can always count on dramatic irony here and there. I had to really struggle not to cry. Why Richelle Mead! Why would you do to your readers something like this! It's so not fair!
What might have been even worse (we all know it wasn't, but it was still really bad) was the parting of Lisa and Rose. It was so painful to watch(read).
I loved her parting moment with Adrien. I don't know if I'll be able to ship it because in my hearth I'll always know Dimitri would be much better, but it'll still do, I guess.
I still hope for some kind of surprising plot twist in the next parts, like that strigoi can be changed back or that Dimitri really isn't one, but that's probably not gonna happen. Which means yes, you will still here from me about Dimitri in reviews books 4-6. A lot. Though I'm kinda scared how will the rest of the books turn out without him, I am pretty sure I will still finish the series.