A review by misslover
Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander


Alright, so I won't lie, but I was pretty dissapointed in this book. I saw the cover and then read the synopsis and knew that I would probably love this book. Who wants to read something like Grey's Anatomy meets something like The Vampire Diaries mixed with any other paranormal creature you can think of. So why was I dissapointed?

Who the heck knows.

That's my problem, I have no freaking clue as to why I wasn't so excited about this book. Sad part? I was a good book. I guess at times things just seemed to go so quickly and I felt confused at times. The overall story line made sense, but once things started coming together, it just felt like so much information from so many different angles that I kinda got lost.

I liked Edie, a nurse who worked on Y4 in the basement of County Hospital that looked after paranormals. She was offered that position in order to help her drug addict brother who seemed to care more about the drugs, getting high, or wasted then caring about anyone but himself. So Edie took this job in which the trade off would be that her brother always stayed clean no matter how many drugs he took. The pay off for her? Oh you know, killing a vampire, dragons and trying to hunt for a vampire girl named Anna who might be the only one to save her life.

Meanwhile, she sleeps with shapeshifters and zombies. Pretty normal right? I will admit that the beginning had me hooked. Then it started to make me sleepy, and then luckily the last 25 percent kicked the book back up again. So I feel there was alot of filler stuff that I ended up kinda just skimming through.

In the end, I did like the book. I probably won't read it again, but I know I will continue with the series. My hopes? I would like to see Edie with Asher. Yeah, I know. I'm always picking the "other guy"
