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A review by bianca89279
The Marriage Trap by Jennifer Probst


2.5 Spanitalian Stars

First and foremost, I'll have to address something that really, really, really bugged me: the author's confusion/ignorance of Italian with/and Spanish. For example: at 72% the author uses "loco" which is Spanish for crazy, the Italian is "pazzo". 73% "Mia amore" is incorrect! It should have been "amore mio". The male character, Italian millionaire, Michael - such an Italian name - NOT, uses the word "dios" again and again. WRONG! That's Spanish for "god". The Italian is "Dio". Also, "bambinos" at 91% is Spanish for children/babies, in Italian they call them "bambini".
I find it inexcusable that the author and/or the editor(s) could not be bothered to do a simple Google search. That just annoys the hell out of me.
Since I'm on the language bandwagon, I found it very incredulous that Michael's entire family was so perfectly fluent in English, even his mum and the priest, and the nephews. If one visits Italy, one will discover that the majority of the Italians are not fluent in English, you're lucky if they speak any English at all.

Besides the language issues, the book was all right. That is if you don't mind the clichés, and the marrying to fool the family thing, that's been done to death in romance books. So while I was reading this book, I had lots of "yeah right", "WTF" and eye rolling. The male and female characters were Ok, but we've met them before in other similar books.