A review by immodestgender
In Their Shoes: Navigating Non-Binary Life by Jamie Windust

challenging inspiring reflective medium-paced


Jamie is the sort of person I would love to have as a friend. They're bubbly, bright, honest and true to themselves through all - as well as obviously outrageously queer.

However I think this book would have been better had it been written 5 or 10 years from now. Jamie says themselves that they were still figuring themselves out only a few years before writing In Their Shoes (They were 22 at time of writing). I felt that the books was muddled. It didn't know what it wanted to be. Is it a memoir? A self-help guide for other trans and nonbinary folk? A learning tool for cis people wanting to be better allies? Jamie gives us teasing mentions of other queer people they look up to, or have influenced them, but most we never hear any stories about. If we do, it's always used to teach a lesson, or make a point.

I'd love for Jamie to write a book 10 years from now. One that isn't full of information for naive audiences or advice for baby gays, but full of the rich stories of their life and the amazing people in it. I want to read about other queers, not as a learning moment, but just because we're amazing people worth reading about.

I recommend giving it a read if you're not that informed about trans people and trans culture, especially on the nonbinary side (though remember that their experience isn't the same as other people's). 

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