A review by ravensandlace
One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake


What. A. Trip! This book started fast paced and did not stop until the very last page. I am physically exhausted after reading this and if I wasn't at work, I would take a nap. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been so exhausted after one book.

I actually grew to like the other queens more, which was something I didn't think would happen. I really didn't care for Arsinoe and Mirabella in the first book. Arsinoe actually wasn't that bad in this one. I started to really respect the hell out of her. All she wanted to do was live on the island with Jules and Billy and just be happy. She really didn't have an interest in being Queen. Mirabella also grew on me. I loved how much she loved her sisters, even though she knew that they both had to die. Katharine continued to be my favorite Queen. Her dramatic change really made me love her more. Plus we got to see more of the poisoner world, which I think is just so cool.

The side characters were also a lot more developed. Jules had her own little side story which I really liked. I liked Jules in the first book and wanted more. Her friendship with Arsinoe is adorable and serious friendship goals. I also loved seeing the relationship between Arsinoe and Billy and Katharine and Pietyr. I must also note that even though there were a lot of side characters, they were all easy to keep track and distinguish whose world they belonged too.

This is one of those books, though, that you have to read the first one in order to understand what is going on. Also makes my job as a reviewer harder because I can't say anything without it being a spoiler. Which really sucks because I want to rave about how amazing this book is and screech like an angry pterodactyl about certain things that happened during the book.

I guess I will just end this review by saying you all need to go purchase books one and two and read them now. Do not wait because you will just be kicking yourself for doing that. This book has something for everyone. Politics, romance, gore, really anything you could ever ask for in a book.