A review by ebabs48
Beast by K.L. Hiers, Mozzarus Scout

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I really liked another book by this author pair so i had hopes for this book and aside from the hotness of the first sex scene, i was sorely disappointed with the character dialogue and their nonsensical actions:
if Beast is this big mafia person, then why is his "method of gatheing intel" on Noels true intentions to just confront Noel with some half hearted questions? Like,  you have resources as a rich alledged-Mafia dude! Go do a background check or some research or torture some ppl.  Noels actions as a character make some sense up until now but not Beasts. 
I think the authors could have benefited from including a dual POV in this book. Without it, what happens on page just seems forced to happen there for the sake of telling the viewer about it, and it's not done well,  just cringey. 

Also for those of you that would like to know, the type of daddy relationship seen on page so far is
just a sugar daddy one, which is totally fine but i felt slightly kink-deceived