A review by clumsyqueenie
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty


“Luck is a fairy tale we use to make people feel better about the world being unfair as shit.”

Rating: 5/5

Alright, first off, this book was the best thing thing I've ever read. So was the entire series. Now go pick this up or you shall face my wrath.
Kidding of course, though I wish I wasn't.

The series was very entertaining and also heartbreaking at many points. I mean, the end of The City of Brass broke me. And in The Kingdom of Copper, things slowly started adding up and making sense. You know, as they say, the best book in a the trilogy is the second one.
But for me, The Empire of Gold was my favourite out of the trilogy. I never knew I'd enjoy this series so damn much!!
And it was all my Asian heart could've wanted for in a book. A fantasy trilogy with a muslim author. Yeah, totally not me ready to sell myself there.

And if there's one thing, I loved about this book, something I usually frown upon, it is the love triangle. Honestly, you have my word, it's NOT your average love triangle with a lot of unwanted drama that drives you away from the plot. As much as sweet and short it was, it wasn't dragging and just perfect for people like me.

The redemption; oh my gods, I must say, Dara's redemption arc was so perfectly done.! It was so wholesome, clearly not rushed and just right.

Manizheh, as much as I'd hate to admit it, was a great villain. She watched her family being torn apart in Daevabad, and wanted to make things better, only until she was lost.

And (spoiler alert duh)
SpoilerRustam turning out to be Nahri's father!! Honestly I had my doubts about this (blame my fondness for spoilers T-T) but they all vanished while reading The Kingdom of Copper. It really hit me hard ngl. And Duriya...oh Duriya! How much I wanted their family to be together living happily in Daevabad :")

Overall, I'd recommend this book if you love fantasy with a very political touch