A review by parklandmom
Yesterday by Amanda Tru


Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ & 1/4 (4.25 stars)
Read: June 2024
Format: Kindle e-Book 
Challenge Prompt: EOW’s, “a genre you wouldn’t normally pick up” for the “read anytime in 2024” option

Book #59 of 2024: In the past year, I’ve shockingly found myself enjoying time-slip stories. Not the fantasy/sci-fi type but good stories that also include the faith element I expect in Christian fiction. This is a new author to me and I now want to read the rest of the series. 

Hannah is the main character and she becomes a hero after saving the lives of a family in a horrible car accident. The next day she is shocked and dumbfounded to learn that the accident actually occurred five years ago. For her it was yesterday. She realizes time travel is the only explanation. Her actions changed things and she struggles to know if that was good or bad. 

After a second time-slip to a couple of years in the past, she feels she changed things to suit her own wants and needs. The two experiences leave her quite physically ill and in need of recovery time. Meanwhile she encounters the same man (a doctor) twice and is inexplicably drawn to him. The course of events alters their trajectory as a couple as well. 

Some minor issues: Though I found the story to be a little”young-ish” and simple in its approach at times, I still really enjoyed it. Sometimes the behaviour of Hannah and Seth seemed a little immature and impatient. Their initial encounter included him kissing her head as a complete stranger. While I understand that it was an emotionally charged time, it gave me a creepy, inappropriate vibe. As a doctor, it was unprofessional. Just having the emotional connection was enough without the physical. 

I enjoyed the twists and turns as the story went on, wondering where things would go next—and why. I know that I have questions and suspicions about things and I’m intrigued to know more.