A review by sunnyscholar
The Paladin Prophecy by Mark Frost

Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
First time I've DNF'd a book that wasn't an assigned reading for school, and here's why:

Not even a hundred pages in and I was dragging my feet trying to read this book. The premise sounded interesting but the execution was confusing. I was trying to keep track of what was going on but I could barely follow Will's train of thought most of the time. 

Like: "Hey I've got all these rules that are instilled in my day-to-day but now all of a sudden I'm being chased by people in black vans... oh wait it's got something to do with that test I took way back when, and some school is also recruiting me, and my mom has a parasite controlling her... but for sure this shady school nobody's heard of is actually the solution and in no way in kahoots with the bad guys? Let's just hitchhike to the airport with some rando cabbie who's now my primary confidant. Oh and by the way there's this other guy that showed up to help and only half explains what's going on before peacing out. Invisible technobugs are also hunting me I guess, and an obese lady melted into a half dozen gremlins, but hey this all seems normal. ... oh and did I forget to mention that I can push images into people's minds??? More backstory to come when i think it's relevant to my story but do try to follow along, dear reader."

About 200 pages in, it was easier to follow the story, but I wasn't  invested in any of the characters and had a hard time mustering much enthusiasm for the story.