A review by curiousmadra
Days of Hana by Seokwoo


Literally guys, I never thought this cutesy looking manhwa would turn into a gut crushing, sad tale that I've ever come across. I haven't been upset with reading a manga for a long time and damn b*tch this one definitely got me. I never expected to have a very tragic ending like omg I really wanted Hook and Haru to be alive because this was a literal rollercoaster for take in!

I'm so fucking glad Jeff was killed by Hook , like he's the definition of a real life animal abuser who non stop hurt Hook. I swear I was glad that the other abusers involved were killed by the wolves like it goes to show what scum is out there in this world!

Seriously lads, again I never thought this manhwa would bring me tears at all until the very end. What a effing best read I've ever read this year like man, huge props to Seok Woo for creating this fantastic manhwa. You gotta read this if you haven't it is so unpredictable and blows your mind left, right and centre!