A review by charvi_not_just_fiction
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun


I was up till 2am listening to the audiobook and I never do that. I was just so fucking obsessed with Charlie and Dev askdjfchakljkshdclkwJAEF.

.... review coming when I recover



I legit read The Charm Offensive three days ago and I'm already obsessed. Thy hype is real. The premise itself promises you a love story between the producer and Prince Charming of a reality show and god it doesn't disappoint. I mean the romance is absolutely swoon-worthy, toe-curling and cleared my skin kind. But this book is so much more than that. It talks about mental health and found family, stepping out of your comfort zone, making mistakes and so much more. I was honestly hit with so many well-written themes in this book and it made me love it all the more. It's a must-read for me!