A review by whatyoutolkienabout
The Neighbours by Renita D'Silva, Renita D'Silva


The Neighbours is my first book by D’Silva but I don’t think it will be my last by any means. I adored this book, which might sound weird to say considering some of the dark topics it touches on and how much Sapna goes through. I do want to say I loved Sapna (and Edith) the most and while I hate spoilers I adored seeing her (Sapna) get her confidence and start of a happy ending. But I am getting ahead of myself.

I found this book addictive. I literally finished it over two days because I needed to know what was happening. The characters were all well developed and believable, even the unlikable ones. The twists and turns fantastic and the epilogue had me smiling and near happy tears! This is in part because of how quickly I gelled with Sapna but also due to the writing in general. D’Silva’s style of writing is both easy to read but extremely well honed. You are kept guessing and never really know who to trust.

The depictions of life in a cul-de-sac and their prejudices were brilliant, if not a bit frustrating at times (because of how true to life they were). Learning about Sapna’s culture and how her family react to her was also well crafted and created another element to the narrative.

We know how I feel about spoilers but I will say this was one time I enjoyed the epilogue having a happy ending. Sapna deserved it. I have to say in a thriller/Psychologically thriller I can’t remember the last time I so quickly became attached to the protagonist either. Needless to say this is one to read if you love a good psychology thriller full of twists and turns and fantastic characters.