A review by cavalary
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice


DISCLAIMER: This comment will be just like the book, that is to say tasteless, meaningless and pointless. Besides that, it will contain language that some might consider offensive. That said, don't complain if you read further and don't like what you see.

Honestly, this was the worst piece of shit that I ever read. For the first two or three chapters, some scenes might have aroused me, but after that all the senseless violence initially just countered the arousal, then annoyed me, then bored me and ultimately made me feel like throwing up...
What's the point of all of that anyway? I doubt that even someone who is into BDSM would like things that rough that often. Now if that's what miss Rice and her husband are into, fine by me, but when you release a book, do you mind making it at least a little appealing to others as well? I mean what the fuck was all that?
SpoilerAnd nothing will be done that will risk injury to the love slave... No shit? Anal gang raping without lube doesn't risk injury? Eating off the floor is not a health hazard? Spending entire days half buried in trash or spending 36 hours tied up by hands and legs from the ceiling, with some sweet stuff on your pussy to attract the flies is healthy?
And Prince Alexi says their masters aren't interested in their bowel movements, so they allow them privacy for those. How? When they have to sleep tied up on a wall or from bed posts or spend whole days like that? What do they do? Hire wizards to teleport the piss and shit out of them to the chamber pots?
The lack of any kind of story was to be expected, but there's another thing that I don't get. That entire Court seems interested only in torturing the poor Princes and Princesses sent by nearby kingdoms as tribute. When exactly do they still have time to actually run their kingdom so well as to deserve those tributes, to keep all those nearby kingdoms fearing them?

Saying it again, this book, if it can be called a book, really made me feel like throwing up!