A review by biteintobooks
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


I LOVE fairytales and Disney and everything that comes with it. I've read the book a year ago and it was an instant favorite of mine. Since then I've been wanting to read the other books. I've bought them a month ago and decided to read Cinder again, since I have a thing for series and I also remembered I LOVED the book. It was so much fun to read it again. It's a nice retelling of a fairytale.

This review was first posted on BiteIntoBooks Blog

Sarcasm: I LOVE sarcasm. I totally get this type of humour and it's so well embedded in Cinder's personality. I loved to read the parts where she was being sarcastic, it makes me relate with characters in books and I always seem to appreciate characters a little more when they don't take everything so seriously.
Cyborg/Lunar: This modern fairytale consists Cyborgs and Lunars. I love a great thought through fantasy book and that's what Cinder is! The Cyborg and Lunar part is very believable and that's a very strong part about the book.
Real threat: There is a real threat in this book the form of Queen Levana. She was so fierce and felt like a real threat to me. I'm not a person to believe everything right away, but she is a very believable character who adds a great deal of tension to the book.
Nice ending: The ending is so strong. You get yourself some answers and after that you really want to know what is going to happen, and then the book ends. Yep, I like it!

"Big Secret Reveal": I remember from the last time, when I read this book that I figured "the big secret" out pretty quick. It felt like it was right in front of Cinder but she was a bit naïve to not see what was going on. This was just a tiny con for me, still a favorite this book!

A really nice book that I would enjoy every time I'd read it. I feel like the re-telling of fairytales is something magical, when it's done right. And it is definitely done right in this book, to my opinion.
Most definitely magical!