A review by alinetrochu
Anarchy: The Hunger Games for a New Generation by Megan Devos


I received a copy of the ebook via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I chose to request this book because the description promised everything I like in a book: dystopia, a different world where people have to learn to live together, rivalry and a hint of romance.

In a different world without government factions fight each other for survival and dominance. Hayden, 21, leader of the Blackwing faction knows better than anyone the risks of every single decision he takes, but that doesn't stop him from bringing a prisoner back to camp after a raid.
Grace is the daughter of the head of Greystone, a rival faction, she doesn't trust anyone and she isn't to be trusted but when she is taken prisoner by Hayden all bets are off.

All this promised action, fights, and conflicts, and, yes, a tiny bit of romance.
I was quite quickly bored, as the conflict didn't seem to evolve, or even to go anywhere. We are presented with a world where nothing is presented as being at stake. There was no suspense, no evolution and at times it even felt like there was no plot. There is a huge love story but that seems to be the main object and although I enjoy a good love story that was not why I chose to read this book.

I do understand that this is the first book in a trilogy but I haven't been made to care for this world enough to want to continue.