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A review by whimsicalwoodlandwanderer
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Link to Full Review on the blog! https://thereaderofathousandstars.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/book-review-the-cruel-prince-by-holly-black/
This book started off my reading this year. AND IT STARTED IT OFF GOOD!
Now, I have enjoyed 2 of Holly Black’s previous books so I went into this one expecting the same level of amazingness. The Queen delivered. I am most pleased.
This book has fae, so, hi! Here I am! No one’s all that surprised there! But this book was promised as a book that would make you feel all the emotions and leave you crying. Which it did!
IT ALSO STABBED ME RIGHT IN THE CHEST! Much like what happens on page 241.
Plot, World And ALL That Good Stuff!
This story takes place in Elfhame, the home of the fae. And all the humans live across the pond… or sea. Or whatever floats your boat.
But this is no medieval world. Oh no. The main character goes with her sisters to a mall for coffee. Which honestly is such a comfort?? If I get dragged into a supernatural world where everything might just kill me if I breathe wrong, then I’d be really happy to just pop back and grab a coffee every now and then.
Like, I’ll save the land and all its inhabitants in a hot second, just let me have my coffee and we’re good to go. *long sip* PREPARE TO BE SAVED!
Intriguingly in this world of fae there isn’t just the pointy-eared hot stuff fae, there are also different species that all come under the name faerie. There’s the normal fae dudes who we know and love, the Undersea folk – they literally live under the sea like fishies- but they’re not fishies, the blood caps, the goblins, pixies, imps, ogres, etc.
All as horrifically beautiful as the next, and wouldn’t even hesitate to offer you a “scrumptious” berry that will definitely not turn you into a toad. LOVELY! I LOVE IT!
We experience this tale through Jude’s point of view and my gosh was it entertaining.
So, Jude’s parents were murdered and she was brought up by Madoc (her parents murderer and new father) in the land of faerie. Her and her twin sister Taryn attend lectures (YAY FOR A MINOR SCHOOL SETTING!) with the rest of the gentry’s children. And it is there we meet THE CARDAN GREENBRIAR!
Who is very mean to Jude and her sister…
BUT THE PLOT! *whispers* I’ll scream about the characters in a second.
I loved the way that everything that was seemingly unrelated all tied together neatly at the end. Obviously, I won’t spoil anything, but… whew! You think the story is going to go one way, but then it takes a secret path through the dark, ancient woods that you wouldn’t dare peer into longer than a second and then it WHACKS YOU IN THE FACE!
It was just… every one seemed to have a solid plan for how they would survive and end up on top. But then… THERE’S ALWAYS THAT ONE DUDE! WHO HAS THE BETTER PLAN AND LAUGHS AS THEY SIT ON TOP LIKE; ” MWHAHAHAHAAHA! YOU REalLy ThOUgHt YoUr pLAn WoULd WOoooOoOOOOOOrK?!?!?!? AGAINST ME?!?”
Basically, there’s always a secret schemer that will out-scheme the schemer.
I literally couldn’t even guess how it was going to come to a close. I know it left people hungry and wailing for more, but I was like “?? Is everyone just going to get killed?? Is that the twist??”
I mean… I wasn’t far off… a lot of folk died in just 373 pages. and most of it was in 5 pages
The pacing was fast but also slow where it needed to be, but also F A S T!
I genuinely loved the whole story, but to go into depth would mean to spoil things, so I leave you with, askgjdkbrjhvgbhjhzbvchdv, IT WAS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
Jude Duarte
I ADORED Jude’s narrative! It was so strong?? Like I felt empowered? And I’m the biggest wimp around, but I was sitting there like, “YEAH I’D DO THAT TOO!”
Would I really??
But can you imagine being a human in faerie? Where you’re just innocently trying your best to practice your stabbing for the courts, and all the faeries are just sneering at you and plotting to control your mind.
And you couldn’t do anything about it if they got you. You’d be blissfully and joyfully munching on leaves like “YUMMY, SCRUMMY, CRUNCHY CRISPS!”
Terrifying, mortifying, no thank you.
And Jude herself is scared. She is humanly mortal of course, and could be easily influenced by fae magic if the proper precautions aren’t taken.
But Jude.
Our Jude, is ruthless!
"If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse."
-Jude Duarte, The Cruel Prince, Page 210
Jude went from “Yeah. That’s right. I grew up learning how to stab properly!”
“I always end up stabbing at least 3 people every day… all before breakfast. *annoyed sigh*”
*Cardan with shaking hands, pulls out a Valentines card*
I loved Jude as a protagonist and am super excited to read mooooore! She has such a strong voice and presence on the page and in this world, and I don’t doubt that she will become even stronger still.
“I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a Prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this” – I throw his own words back at him- “this is the least of what I can do.”
-Jude Duarte, The Cruel Prince, Page 76-77
I love her so much.
Cardan Greenbriar
The title of this book. It captures Cardan PERFECTLY! If I was in Jude’s place in even half of the scenes she’s in with this dude and he was my enemy I’d probably cry and run away to live in the swamps.
But that’s just me. A hermit that dislikes confrontation.
A precious boi.
If I though Jude had page presence… which she does. But where she has a smart, powerful presence, Cardan has the most dramatic, angsty page presence that I’ve ever read and I am here for it.
There are a few points in this book where you just want to cry for him. Despite how horrible he assures people he is, you can’t help but feel sorry for him.
ALL HE WANTS IS WINE AND JU- “NO I DON’T!!!! SHE’S MORTAL! NOTHING MORE THAN A WORM WRITHING IN DIRT! HER EXISTENCE INSULTS ME!” He screams in rage. *Jude appears with a knife* “Oh hai Jude, you look horrible. ❤ ”
While Cardan is not much help with a sword (which is why it’s a good thing Jude is there to save him) he is a charming and sneaky prince.
"I am expecting to find Cardan as I left him, cowed and quiet, perhaps even more miserable than before. Instead, his hands have been untied, and his is at the table, playing cards with the Roach, the Ghost – and the Bomb. At the center are a pile of jewels and a jug of wine. Two empty bottles rest beneath the table."
– The Cruel Prince, Page 298
... Continued on blog! Please go read it in all its GIF filled glory. I don't know how to add GIF's to Goodreads T 0 T .....
To wrap up this messy, messy review –
I rate The Cruel Prince 5 out of 5 Stars!
This book started off my reading this year. AND IT STARTED IT OFF GOOD!
Now, I have enjoyed 2 of Holly Black’s previous books so I went into this one expecting the same level of amazingness. The Queen delivered. I am most pleased.
This book has fae, so, hi! Here I am! No one’s all that surprised there! But this book was promised as a book that would make you feel all the emotions and leave you crying. Which it did!
IT ALSO STABBED ME RIGHT IN THE CHEST! Much like what happens on page 241.
Plot, World And ALL That Good Stuff!
This story takes place in Elfhame, the home of the fae. And all the humans live across the pond… or sea. Or whatever floats your boat.
But this is no medieval world. Oh no. The main character goes with her sisters to a mall for coffee. Which honestly is such a comfort?? If I get dragged into a supernatural world where everything might just kill me if I breathe wrong, then I’d be really happy to just pop back and grab a coffee every now and then.
Like, I’ll save the land and all its inhabitants in a hot second, just let me have my coffee and we’re good to go. *long sip* PREPARE TO BE SAVED!
Intriguingly in this world of fae there isn’t just the pointy-eared hot stuff fae, there are also different species that all come under the name faerie. There’s the normal fae dudes who we know and love, the Undersea folk – they literally live under the sea like fishies- but they’re not fishies, the blood caps, the goblins, pixies, imps, ogres, etc.
All as horrifically beautiful as the next, and wouldn’t even hesitate to offer you a “scrumptious” berry that will definitely not turn you into a toad. LOVELY! I LOVE IT!
We experience this tale through Jude’s point of view and my gosh was it entertaining.
So, Jude’s parents were murdered and she was brought up by Madoc (her parents murderer and new father) in the land of faerie. Her and her twin sister Taryn attend lectures (YAY FOR A MINOR SCHOOL SETTING!) with the rest of the gentry’s children. And it is there we meet THE CARDAN GREENBRIAR!
Who is very mean to Jude and her sister…
BUT THE PLOT! *whispers* I’ll scream about the characters in a second.
I loved the way that everything that was seemingly unrelated all tied together neatly at the end. Obviously, I won’t spoil anything, but… whew! You think the story is going to go one way, but then it takes a secret path through the dark, ancient woods that you wouldn’t dare peer into longer than a second and then it WHACKS YOU IN THE FACE!
It was just… every one seemed to have a solid plan for how they would survive and end up on top. But then… THERE’S ALWAYS THAT ONE DUDE! WHO HAS THE BETTER PLAN AND LAUGHS AS THEY SIT ON TOP LIKE; ” MWHAHAHAHAAHA! YOU REalLy ThOUgHt YoUr pLAn WoULd WOoooOoOOOOOOrK?!?!?!? AGAINST ME?!?”
Basically, there’s always a secret schemer that will out-scheme the schemer.
I literally couldn’t even guess how it was going to come to a close. I know it left people hungry and wailing for more, but I was like “?? Is everyone just going to get killed?? Is that the twist??”
I mean… I wasn’t far off… a lot of folk died in just 373 pages. and most of it was in 5 pages
The pacing was fast but also slow where it needed to be, but also F A S T!
I genuinely loved the whole story, but to go into depth would mean to spoil things, so I leave you with, askgjdkbrjhvgbhjhzbvchdv, IT WAS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
Jude Duarte
I ADORED Jude’s narrative! It was so strong?? Like I felt empowered? And I’m the biggest wimp around, but I was sitting there like, “YEAH I’D DO THAT TOO!”
Would I really??
But can you imagine being a human in faerie? Where you’re just innocently trying your best to practice your stabbing for the courts, and all the faeries are just sneering at you and plotting to control your mind.
And you couldn’t do anything about it if they got you. You’d be blissfully and joyfully munching on leaves like “YUMMY, SCRUMMY, CRUNCHY CRISPS!”
Terrifying, mortifying, no thank you.
And Jude herself is scared. She is humanly mortal of course, and could be easily influenced by fae magic if the proper precautions aren’t taken.
But Jude.
Our Jude, is ruthless!
"If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse."
-Jude Duarte, The Cruel Prince, Page 210
Jude went from “Yeah. That’s right. I grew up learning how to stab properly!”
“I always end up stabbing at least 3 people every day… all before breakfast. *annoyed sigh*”
*Cardan with shaking hands, pulls out a Valentines card*
I loved Jude as a protagonist and am super excited to read mooooore! She has such a strong voice and presence on the page and in this world, and I don’t doubt that she will become even stronger still.
“I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a Prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this” – I throw his own words back at him- “this is the least of what I can do.”
-Jude Duarte, The Cruel Prince, Page 76-77
I love her so much.
Cardan Greenbriar
The title of this book. It captures Cardan PERFECTLY! If I was in Jude’s place in even half of the scenes she’s in with this dude and he was my enemy I’d probably cry and run away to live in the swamps.
But that’s just me. A hermit that dislikes confrontation.
A precious boi.
If I though Jude had page presence… which she does. But where she has a smart, powerful presence, Cardan has the most dramatic, angsty page presence that I’ve ever read and I am here for it.
There are a few points in this book where you just want to cry for him. Despite how horrible he assures people he is, you can’t help but feel sorry for him.
ALL HE WANTS IS WINE AND JU- “NO I DON’T!!!! SHE’S MORTAL! NOTHING MORE THAN A WORM WRITHING IN DIRT! HER EXISTENCE INSULTS ME!” He screams in rage. *Jude appears with a knife* “Oh hai Jude, you look horrible. ❤ ”
While Cardan is not much help with a sword (which is why it’s a good thing Jude is there to save him) he is a charming and sneaky prince.
"I am expecting to find Cardan as I left him, cowed and quiet, perhaps even more miserable than before. Instead, his hands have been untied, and his is at the table, playing cards with the Roach, the Ghost – and the Bomb. At the center are a pile of jewels and a jug of wine. Two empty bottles rest beneath the table."
– The Cruel Prince, Page 298
... Continued on blog! Please go read it in all its GIF filled glory. I don't know how to add GIF's to Goodreads T 0 T .....
To wrap up this messy, messy review –
I rate The Cruel Prince 5 out of 5 Stars!