A review by bandherbooks
Birds of California by Katie Cotugno


Number one, I was given a heads up by trusted friends/reviewers that this is a very heavy book, so please do take care to check CWs. This straddles the line between a litfic with romance elements and romance. I will spoil the ending at the bottom of the review for those who need to know.

Former child star Fiona St. James had a massive public break down (to me, felt like Britney Spears' televised trauma), ending her career on the hit family show Birds of California. Years later, she is sought out by her former co-star Sam Fox to see if she'd be interested in rebooting the show.

Sam himself has had continued success, but his money is almost gone (he supports many people including his mom) and his newest show has been cancelled. Sam would love to have this opportunity, but Fiona is a firm no.

Despite her no to the show, Fiona still has huge sparks with Sam, who played her older brother on the show, who she once kissed while drunk at a cast party. As they explore their sparks, Fiona's past traumas come back to haunt her, as the tabloids renew their interest in their combined celebrity.

The rest is spoilery -
SpoilerFiona and Sam explore a sexual relationship, she's still just taken out by how sweet he actually is, but she cannot trust him. Fiona was sexually abused/groomed by the actor who played their father on the show, and Sam is still friendly with him and has no idea. Thankfully once that comes to light Sam immediately believes her (I was so worried) and they both grow towards navigating their celebrity and their relationship in a lovely happy for now.

Thankfully most of the hard stuff is reflected on and not in the moment - and while a tough read the prose was gorgeous and I was absolutely captivated by the story.

I've heard that the author does not want this marketed as a romance, which makes me feel some sort of way, but also the marketing blurbs etc all call this a rom-com. HELLO THIS IS NOT THAT. So negative stars for marketing but overall a book I really liked a whole lot.

I bought this book from B&N.