A review by bethreadsandnaps
The Elephant in the Room: One Fat Man's Quest to Get Smaller in a Growing America by Tommy Tomlinson


I really liked Tommy Tomlinson's memoir on how he has approached weight loss. No, you're not going to see any lose weight quickly success stories. This is a memoir that shows your weight is a lifetime of small decisions, and I really appreciated that message. 

The author also acknowledges the body positivity era. I wish he had delved a bit more into that because I see both sides. The author was over 400 pounds for much of the book, so I can see that his point is that his health is suffering so he doesn't acknowledge body positivity as much. But if he was in the upper 200s, it would be interesting to see where he fell on the lose weight vs. body positivity spectrum. 

I almost always appreciate a memoir, and this one was no exception.