A review by jbarr5
Home Run by Travis Thrasher


Home Run by Travis Thrasher
This book is based on a movie that I've never seen but I think the book has a lot more details and feelings described then what you'd get from an onscreen showing.
Cory, the oldest and Clay the youngest are raised in OK and their dad drinks heavily and hopes one day they will hit the baseball he throws at the barn and sometimes them. He has beaten them til Cory is old enough to get away and is able to join a baseball team.
He is a really good hitter and he tips the bottle a lot, just like his father. He has a manager, Helene that gets him out of many scrapes but some things she can't undo and he is forced to pay the price for his own actions.
There was no reason for him to hit the batboy because on his way to 3rd base he neglected to touch it. He ends up back in OK to make amends with Clay and in the Corvette they crash, after he's been drinking all morning. The only way to right this wrong is for him to coach his brother's baseball team.
He's been fined and needs to go on a 12 step program soon as he's also on a 8week suspension from the game.
There are alternating chapters where we learn of how they were raised and berated and the next chapters are about his baseball life with chapter names relating to baseball.
Glad I got this book to read because spring is when I start thinking of baseball, years gone by and marvel at the game playing involved.
Especially like all the baseball technical terminology.
The story also follows Emma who was his high school sweetheart. She did move on and marry another, had a baby and the father died in the war.
All Cory can think about is Emma, he had left her pregnant, avoiding the draft and going to play college baseball instead.
The 12 step program is mandatory meetings at night where there are principles to be learned from the minister.
Emma is hiding secrets and Cory needs to deal with his past first...

I received this book from The Bookclub Network www.bookfun.org via David Cook Publications in exchange for my honest opinion.