A review by christine_queenofbooks
Pitino: My Story by Rick Pitino

Did not finish book.
Pitino: My Story begins with an acknowledgement of the scandal that (almost?) ended Rick Pitino's career. After a hat-tip toward that (and shoving some blame the shoe companies' way), the book goes back in time to the beginning of Pitino's career.

Written by Pitino, with Seth Kaufman, he claims this book is "about telling the truth." And I think it is. But it's Pitino's truth - not anyone else's. That means that parts read as braggy to me. However, he's also deferential to those who taught him and helped him along the way. Content-wise, I enjoyed the anecdotes, but could have done without the typical platitudes (e.g., "hard work makes anything possible"). I did appreciate Pitino admitting how he'd do certain things differently, in hindsight.

The writing style itself is pretty choppy. The chapters are divided into 1-5 page mini-sections. This might work for some readers - I imagine it's easier to put down and pick back up this way - but annoy others.

Overall, a good read for basketball fans.
(Full disclosure: I read the first 35%, then set it down - not sure if I'll go back and finish it, or not. There's just so little time in a day, and I might prefer to watch a basketball game than read about Pitino's entire career and opinions on the scandals. I do think that's more about me not being a Pitino super fan and less an indictment of the book.)