A review by ashleaz
Woman on the Edge by Samantha M. Bailey


It took me a little while to become invested in the plot and the characters but once I did I was hooked! This was a book that I could not put down and stayed up all night to finish. It was such an easy read with a fast paced storyline, that it kept me engaged and made for a compelling read.

The two main characters, Nicole and Morgan, live worlds apart but share the same emotional turmoil of their past which brings them together in a peculiar way. Bailey really dives deep into the two extremes of motherhood, one with a child and mentally ill with paranoia of not being able to take care of her, and the other childless and putting her life at risk to protect a baby that isn't hers. It shows what women would sacrifice to protect a baby that they believe to be in danger. And also, what others would do if that baby had a huge inheritance.

The mystery is how does Nicole know Morgan and how did she get to the point of suicide. I found the mystery to be exhilarating and constantly found myself unsure of who to trust. There seemed to be so many twist and turns that I never would have guessed the ending.

An utterly compelling and exhilarating quick read that will have you fighting to put the book down.

Ashlea at The BookCosy