A review by mridzyreads
Heat Rises by Richard Castle


I started this book without reading any prior reviews. If I did, i would've known that Rook is in fact Castle.

Even though I love the tv show and I love the character of Castle more, I didn't find Rook at par. Granted, there were a few moments of pure Castle-esque but they were far too less for my liking. Nikki Heat on the other hand, is pure, unadulterated Kate Beckett.

I would be lying if I said i didn't enjoy this one. No doubt, Castle (or the author who uses the non de plume of Castle) is no Le Carre, he is nevertheless adept at writing a thriller with unexpected twists, a few laughs and some delightful Firefly references (thank you for that).

I shall now endeavour to finish the remaining books and heroics of Detective Heat. It is worth a read.