A review by abigail_lo
The Help by Kathryn Stockett


(edit: i should probably re-read this but i also don't want to find out that this book is super white savior bc that would make me sad so i guess we're never gonna re-read it oops)

This book is amazing. Pure awesomeness. It's like [b:Gone with the Wind|18405|Gone with the Wind|Margaret Mitchell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328025229s/18405.jpg|3358283], except shorter so that I don't wimp out halfway through. Aibileen is the person I would want as my mother, and Minny is the person who I definitely would not want as my enemy, but Skeeter is who I want to be. Her bravery and courage
Spoilerand resilience, through the failed marriage proposal and her mother's cancer
was just awe-inspiring.