A review by ikandree
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin



I should have DNFd this but I had read it was great (and heard from a friend).  It did get good...at page 283.  That is 71% in for you on Kindle and audiobook.  That means nearly 3/4 of the book was BORING.  

The beginning had potential with the story of Sam and Sadie, best friends from childhood who reconnect during their college years.  The story started to drag once they started to make their first game. It went steadily downhill after that.  Maybe it is bc I am not a gamer, but there wasn't much tech mentioned, so I think it was the complete and utter lack of plot.  Imagine reading for 200+ pages of people going to work.  Sure, there might be drama or gossip now and again, but otherwise pretty mundane.  

I haven't been this bored with a book in a long time.  I do not understand the hype.  The last 29% of this book saved it from being a 1 ⭐️.