A review by iseefeelings
No Happy Endings by Nora McInerny


I was having a love-hate relationship with this book. I appreciate the way Nora genuinely reveals her vulnerability and imperfection. However, I can’t help but question if she acutely revised the whole book before publishing or not. At times she even doubts the word she chose (lay or lie?).
Sometimes she puts the abbreviation abruptly almost as if what I was reading is more like an instant message. These are two qualms worth mentioning for me.
I don't think you would like 'No Happy Endings' if you're a picky reader. Still, the book can be a great comfort for whoever going through a hard time in life.
Life has no happy ending for anyone, but I'm glad that Nora has her new exciting chapter in this beautiful moment.
(101) - "Unexpected goodness is as large and overwhelming as unexpected tragedy."
(103) - "Love is strange. You won't find that in the Bible, but they should update 1 Corinthians to reflect that."
- "Love is universally regarded as the highest thing that we can strive for, as something not only worth pursuing, but worth fighting for, worth dying for if you're into that. And that strangest thing about love is that we have opinions about love that isn't ours."
(253) - "It's not about living as though everything is fine. Nothing ever just fine, unless you are a criminally boring person or a completely liar. It's about facing whatever darkness looms over you; your suffering, your sorrow, your sickness, and still putting one foot in front of the other."
(263) - "Truly, most of us aren't world changers. Most of us aren't going to end up on the cover of a magazine or hold elected office. That can make it feel like our words and actions don't count for much, or that there isn't much that we can do. There's something to be said for persistence. For small acts that can add up to something bigger."