A review by sofiam97
Batman Arkham Knight: The Official Novelization by Marv Wolfman


When the best thing you can say about a book is "I managed to finish it" you know it's not good. I don't have much complaints pertaining to the story - though I guess that has more to do with the plot of the game - but the characters? God, they were just... The characterizations have nothing to do with the ones from literally any other media - comics, tv shows, movies, whatever you pick. And the "banter"? Jesus. Genuinely, whenever two characters were talking, I was just "please, stop hurting me". On the bright side, I could kind of see how this is the way people talk in video games. On the other hand, I was reading this book to know what happens in the video game, not to actually play it.

I didn't particularly like the writing either. There was something wrong with the pacing, things were happening too fast and without enough details - I re-read a couple passages more than once to figure out what I was missing but really, it wasn't me, it just wasn't in the book.

The closer I got to the end, the urge to simply abandon the book also rose within me. That's really all you need to know about it.

I don't consider it an "it was ok" book but I only give 1 star to books that I genuinely hate and this is more on the line of "literally added nothing to my days by reading this".