A review by brandy_wine
Exquisite by Ella Frank


I don’t even know where to start with this one.

To be honest I wasn’t all that sure of it just because I hate to admit it but the cover didn’t have me sold at first, then I read… you absolutely can NOT judge this book by its cover!! It was so good! There were so many times that had me laughing and then I would start crying and then you feel the pain and hurt that Lena and Mason feel. It was just all around a good read.

I enjoyed the fact that Lena was well established in her career and wasn’t dependent on the guy like in so many other books I have read. There is nothing wrong with it but it is refreshing to have something that is different. And there are a few sex scenes that WOW! Usually you can be predicted what is going to happen for the most part but this one well it was nothing that I had expected. I enjoyed the little surprises. As well as the different routes she took it.

This was a nice long novel where I felt as though I had enough time to really get connected with the characters and felt almost as if she decided to end it and not write another book that had them in it I would have been happy with that; but when I found out she is doing more!! YAY!!

At a little more than half way so much had happened that I had thought okay I must be getting close to the end now. But when I checked and saw I still had more than I thought it just made me happy! I didn’t want it to end. You will either love that it is on the longer side or you won’t but I was absolutely happy it was a longer novel! I have been reading so many shorter books that I kind of missed a good long novel.
Especially because I was able to get more Mason Langely!! ohhh sweet baby Jesus is he ever HOT! And I couldn’t help but love Lena as well. For some she may be just a little too much: to bossy, demanding, and well bitchy. In some personality aspects I have been told I can be all those things and for that reason I felt a small connection to her. She is absolutely a smart ass and I loved that bout her but when you get her together with her friend Shelly forget it. haha Like when Lena tells Shelly how long it has been since she had sex…

“When was the last time you had a man in your bed?”

“Three years and two months”

“Holy Shit!” Shelly gasped loud enough that other people looked

“Shut up!” Lena hissed. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Jesus, Lena. How are you not more of a bitch? I will never know.”

Lena wants to completely rip Langley apart when she first meets him it had me cracking up because well they both are in a pissy mood and take it out on each other. That is what starts it all. He goes to drop off some flowers to her and she wants him to tell Brandy (the girl that works the front desk – great name by the way ) who they are from but he doesn’t and so this is the gist of what happens that starts off this great book:

“Can you not read?” (Lena)

“Excuse me? What did you say?” (Mason)

“Yes. Surprisingly I was taught how to read all the way through elementary school” (Mason)

“I even managed to graduate. The reason I didn’t answer your little peon over there, princess, was because a) I didn’t want to, b) the card is sealed, and c) I didn’t want to. My job was to bring these flowers to your ungrateful self. Not stand here and take your condescending crap.” (Mason)

And that my friends is when I fell in love with Mason Langely!!!! On page 8 people. That is when I knew I was going to love everything about this book!

Then he is just so smooth that when he sees her again and she tries to apologize to him for being rude (because she is afraid he might spit in her food when she shows up at his restaurant for a work thing) he ‘blackmailed’ her into going to dinner with him and that had me laughing as well.

“I’d never spit in your food, I’d have a staff member do it”

There is so much to love about Mason, as well as Lena. She pushes him and pushes and the fact that he is unwilling to walk away because he wants to just hear her laugh and see her smile just makes you love him more. He saves her in a sense and brings her back to life. And in return she ends up knowing exactly what that feels like. To want more from someone because you care about them and just want them happy, because she has to fight for him.

If you want a good story that has angst, love, passion, great banter, will make you laugh, as well as cry. This is a great read! When you are done reading this you will not be able to look at a peach, see through shower doors, or plush robes the same again.