A review by colinlusk
Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by Paul Mason


Postcapitalism is a fresh take on communism, splicing old-school Marxist analysis with the sort of breathless prognostication you see in those books entrepreneurs read about how The Internet Is Changing Everything. The Marxist element of it pops up enough times to make you suspect you are being sold something - rather the way an evangelical friend will try and crowbar Jesus into everything (reader, I have been that evangelical friend, so I know what I'm in about). Obscure passages from Grundrisse are trotted out and given a lick of paint to make them look like prophecies of some modern phenomenon, just as happens with Nostradamus or the Book of Revelations.
And yet, somehow it's not as risible as you might think. He avoids some obvious oversimplifications and actually stirs up a pretty interesting brew of thoughts and ideas that are seldom seen together in the wild. So I'm not sorry I read it.