A review by hixxup79
Acts of Mercy by Ciara Graves


Got this book free on Amazon. I'm glad I decided to read new books to me this month because I've come up with some really good reads. This one is definitely on top.

This book is about a bounty hunter named Mercy, she gets a bounty that is going to pay a high amount, well she comes across a demon named Raphael. And an interesting pairing comes to light.

What I love about this book, is that it's super easy to get into, and honestly, I did not want to put it down, two the heroine and main male didn't instantly get into the sack. They're building up into something, what it will become will be fun to read. But the best part is that they both have some kind of history that they tend to keep on the back burner, and I love how you find little details here and there.

I cannot wait to read the next in the series.