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A review by katetj
Kiss of Frost by Jennifer Estep


More reviews can be found at my blog: Nomalicious Reads

I've been dying to read Kiss of Frost ever since I read the last page of Touch of Frost back in July, and was happy that I only had until November to get the next installment of this thrilling tale! Although it turned out that I didn't even have to wait that long, thanks to Jennifer for sending me a copy of the eARC in early September, which I devoured very quickly!

Boy oh boy, was it good! Just like Touch of Frost left me aching for Kiss of Frost. Kiss of Frost left me longing for the third: Dark Frost, really really badly! I just can't wait to get my hands on it!

Kiss of Frost was also the first book that I read on my brand new kindle, which by the time this review is out, wont be so new.

Everything that I loved about Touch of Frost was all present in Kiss of Frost and even more amazing things were added.

Kiss of Frost dives right into the action, with a fast paced opening scene and things don't slow down there! Jennifer keeps up the pace and I have yet to find one dull moment in the Mythos Academy series, its just so much fun to read and keeps you enraptured right up until the end. (the teaser for book three will leaving you gaping and gasping for more!)

Logan, the sexy beast is back and possibly even hotter than he was in the first book... although he does act like a complete ass for a while, but hey he's a guy, who are known to be prone to random acts of douchery. But honestly, I think he makes up for all that near the end.. well he did for me anyway.

Gwen, is as always such a pleasure and a complete hoot to read about, I love everything about her, her attitude, her fashion sense and most especially her sense of humor... and of course, her taste in guys... and swords!

One thing that I'm going to mention, well ask really is: Jennifer always uses the term 'The Powers That Were' I don't know if it's just me and my strange Australian ways, but I've always seen 'The Powers That Be' and not 'Were' - have any of you lovely readers heard this term before? Or maybe its just unique for the Mythos Academy series and I'm just being silly.

Kiss of Frost by Jennifer Estep was a thrilling read and I highly reccomend this series to everyone! If you love a good mystery, hilarious and yummy characters, this series is definitely for you!

Kiss of Frost by Jennifer Estep gets:

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