A review by rowdya22
White Night by Jim Butcher


A string of disappearances is occurring in the magical community and Harry could be to blame...
Many women are seen with someone matching his description just before they vanish. Murphy gets tossed one of the “suicide“ cases and calls Harry in. Harry find some clues and tracks down presumed killer using little Chicago only to have a section of it slagged to bits in an attack.
Harry thinks he discovered the next victim and pays a visit to her apartment. Someone has used magic to put the entire complex to sleep. Harry’s dog Mouse gets his time to shine and wakes the entire complex with a series of magical barks allowing for them to escape.
Following up on leads Harry finds a group of women all in the magical community who are meeting regularly and pays them a visit. He discovers that Elaine Mallory is back in town and tracking down the killer. Working with Elaine Mary finds that the killer might be none other than his own brother.
Doing what any caring sibling would do, Harry takes Thomas’ spare key and breaks into his apartment. While getting to see his apartment for the first time Henry finds his war room and a crazed wall with potential targets as well as past victims. Harry uses a locator spell to track Thomas and he and Elaine go to confront him.
Henry finds that Thomas thought that he might have been corrupted by some outward influence and actually be the murderer. Thomas has been abducting the women before the murderer can get to them and taking them to safe houses. Their reunion is cut short when our heroes face an enemy army of ghouls at the marina. We get to see some fancy magic from Elaine and Harry cuts loose with fire magic in order to take the heat from Lake Michigan and freeze a section of water to allow them all to escape. While doing so Harry takes an icy plunge into the lake.
Upon waking harry puts two and two together and believes he’s figured out the real plan. There is a power struggle in the white court. While Harry’s out tracking down the killer he realizes that someone in the group of women that he and Elaine are protecting is working for the killer. Frantically racing to reach Elaine he uses a communion spell to contact her only to find that she is under a psychic assault and moments away from being convinced to end her own life. Thankfully Harry gets through and helps Elaine realize what is happening. She cuts loose with lightning magic and tears the entire front of a hotel apart.
With Elaine wounded and temporarily out of the picture he calls in Ramirez for support. Together they had to the white court vampires estate to challenge the guilty parties to a duel. Molly who has been trying to prove herself the entire time has a breakthrough that magic just isn’t about power. It’s about why to do things. Realizing this she graduates and decides to come and help. She becomes the getaway driver.
Harry and Ramirez proceed with the duel and are actually winning for a while. Their opponent then cheats and calls in outsiders from the never never. Thankfully Harry knew this was a possibility and had his own back up lying in wait. There’s an amazing confrontation and moments away from a successful escape, everyone is flattened by a psychic assault of despair. Lashell or Lash now comes to Harry and begs him to take up the coin. She has grown from her time in Harry’s mind and has taken on some his best characteristics. Influence works both ways. She decides to do all in her power to help Harry knowing that it will likely doom herself. She helps Harry shrug off the psychic attack so that he can save his friends.
They all escaped through the never never and Harry and Lara Wraith escape together through the deeps. Harry decides to set up an organization to make sure that everyone in the magical community will be able to reach someone who can help them should something like this ever happen again. Throughout all this there is one casualty. Lash is gone. She gave up her very existence and sacrificed herself to help Harry live for another day.
“Kiss Me”