A review by palmpages
Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto


A for AWESOME! I had a bad cold last weekend, and I took refuge in the comforting presence of Meddy and her Aunties. I first experienced Jesse Sutanto's work through [b:Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers|61827543|Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers|Jesse Q. Sutanto|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1671523771l/61827543._SY75_.jpg|96250207], which I absolutely loved❣️

Moving In - I mean moving ON! We meet Meddy, a wedding photographer who works with her Ma, the florist; Big Aunt - the baker; Second Aunt - the makeup artist and hair stylist; and Fourth Aunt - the entertainer. They are all meddlesome and love to get involved in other people's lives. Meddy goes on a blind date her mother sets up, accidentally kills him, and then has to figure out how to dispose of his body. That is when having some meddlesome, ride-or-die aunties comes in handy!

Dial A for Aunties takes us on a wild ride as Meddy and her aunties organize a billionaire wedding on a California island resort where the corpse accidentally ends up