A review by readwatchcrochet
Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon

  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix


”I didn’t think I could be so turned on by a Google doc”

📚 writer x actor
📚 forced proximity
📚 one bed
📚 single POV
📚 books about writing 


This had been on my TBR for years after reading The Ex Talk and I’m kicking myself for taking so long to pick it up. 

“There’s just no way that my next project is writing a memoir for my failed one night stand”

Something about this story truly spoke to me. Think it was a mixture of the OCD rep (it’s got nothing to do with wanting things organised, trust me) and the whole set up between Chandler & Finn. 

“I have pretty severe OCD…I’d toss food, I’d toss clean sheets back into the washing machine…sometimes high anxiety situations, they exacerbate it”

And Finn, he deserves protection at all costs. He was just too damn sweet and innocent, especially for a tv star. 

“If I did something to offend you or god forbid hurt you”
“Was it not good for you?”…”Holy shit, it was that bad?”

“I’m actually kind of glad you told me the truth…the honesty was, refreshing”

Am a huge tv/ movie fan and the fact Finn is an idol from a popular teen show, who’s trying to find his way, was just my type of book. 

“College has killed so many shows.”
I’ve always thought so many shows I enjoyed as a teen went downhill once they graduated high school. 
A nice little reference to The Ex Talk.

Side note: Not sure why, but this is the 3rd book on a row that has reference the song Come on Eileen

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