A review by hiveretcafe
Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor


This review was originally posted on my blog, hiveretcafe

I felt that this book wasn't quite as lyrical and magical as the first one, though I suppose that is to be expected with the book being on the heaviness, the devastation and the terrors of war.

I adored the plot of this one and it is great sequel to the beautiful first book. The plot is as always, told from various points of view and it really shows the gravity of the war between the angels and the chimaera. There's a feeling of ambiguity when we see what Akiva and Karou have been doing as they know that what they are doing is wrong, but what else are they to do in this never-ending war? Also, they have both given up on their beautiful dream of peace together and living in a world that is all theirs. It's so sad, but so real.

I certainly missed the previous chemistry between Karou and Akiva that was there in the first book and all the moments between the two.However, I suppose it comes with war.

And oh geez, the rape scene near the end of the book. The entire time I was reading it, all I could think was "No, oh god, no. no." I was so intensely relieved when Karou managed to fight off Thiago. Oh geez. The scene was graphic and terrifying and I think that's what made that scene so powerful and real to war.
Oh geez.

Anyways, off the heavy stuff, there were still some really beautiful quotes, though morbid.

"It touched stalks of jess with a fairy glimmer, and the tassels fanned lie wings in the breeze. Green-gold, gold-green, not yet ripe and never now to ripen."

"Life is your master, or death is,"Brimstone had said, but in these days of blood, there was no luxury of choice. Death ruled them all.

"Is that a riddle? How long can a war go on?"

In the end this was a really well done book and I cannot wait until the last book, DREAMS OF GODS AND MONSTERS comes out!