A review by lindseympeterson
Babbit by Sinclair Lewis


Lewis' portrait of the striving middle class is just as appropriate for today's society as it was when he wrote it. His critique of the ideal citizen rings just as true now as then. The hypocracy is just as obvious, and the reward for 'virtue' just as strong. When one of the good fellows starts to think through his position and criticize it, he is ostracized for his unorthodox thoughts, for becoming a red, even though he's nothing close to it. The worst of the red-baiting was yet to come when Lewis wrote Babbitt, but he captures the idea of it pretty well, and the modern parallel seems to be anti-muslim sentiment.

One of the more interesting recurring themes in the book is discussing the benefit of Prohibition while flouting. In good society, one must always discuss the virutes of Prohibition, especially for the lower classes who need it, so as not to exceed in their imbibing. "Congress didn't understand the right system. Now, if I'd been running the thing, I'd have arranged it so that the drinker himself was licensed, and then we could have taken care of the shiftless workman - kept him from drinking - and yet not 've interfered with the rights - with the personal liberty - of fellows like ourselves." The sentiment of this statement seems to be expressed constantly by various groups still today. Let's take away the rights that these people certainly cannot be trusted with, but make sure we still get to exercise them. It seems preposterous to say who can and cannot have a drink, based on another man's opinion of him, but yet we seem to think it's alright for a number of other activities...

In Babbitt's world, the Good Citizen is the ideal citizen, the man who knows what's best for society and does it, without complaining. He enjoys what he is supposed to enjoy (the modest benefits of a modern, consumerist society), and loathes what he's supposed to loathe (anyone that business leaders tell you is threatening the current situation). They all strive to have the same marks of good taste and mild affluence - "These standard advertised wares - toothpastes, socks, tires, cameras, instantaneous hot-water heaters - were his symbols and proofs of excellence." But most importantly, it's important to remember that that which is an ideal in the Good Citizen is a fault when it is in someone else, especially if it is a vice and they are poorer than you or the good thing is too exclusive for you to take part in it and they are of a higher class.