A review by hmmreads
My Torin by K Webster


3.75 - 4 stars

As much as unrealistic some of the plot points were, there was something endearing here (and also well-written) that I'm okay with giving it 4 stars. I'd say the depiction of Torin's autism was well-researched, though there could be better words to describe him needing to change his unhelpful psychiatrist instead of making it seem like they endorsed ditching medical help altogether. The "Love helps" trope was a big thing here as Torin slowly gets in control. I liked that his improvements were somewhat realistic and that love didn't just magically make his autism disappear.

One thing that made me hesitant to reach for this book was how reviewers mentioned that this was sort of a menage situation. We had Torin and his older brother, Tyler who were both pining after Casey. I liked that the book was well-written and that it made me understand why Tyler, a ~32 year old would develop ambiguous romantic feelings for 18 year old Casey. He had to take care of Torin his whole life and was so lonely that I get why it was the way it was. Doesn't mean that I had to like it though lol.

Casey herself was young, inexperienced, and impressionable. She loved both brothers and she didn't even stop to think that she should maybe just pick one lmao. She was very open to having a rs with both. She was kissing Tyler for one sec and let Torin lick her in another.

The book opened with Torin and Tyler's dad, a deacon, finding Casey outside his church. Casey was left there by her crackhead mother and she herself was addicted to cocaine. The dad couldn't adopt her because his wife just died and he was struggling with Torin's autism. Casey herself was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. One day, the three met outside Torin and Casey's mutual psychiatrist's office. Casey had dropped her penny and Torin picked it up. The next thing she knew, Tyler knocked on her door and bought her out of her foster parent's house.

Casey went to live with them and they got to know each other. We learned that the brothers were some sort of oil tycoon and that Torin could communicate well, only via text. Torin's cats reveal was also very cute. We also learned that Tyler had an inoperable tumor in his head.

The sex scenes were hot, to be honest. Even though they were short, it was effective. Reading Torin and Tyler had their separate jerking-off moment was so hot lmao. Both Torin and Casey were virgins and their first time was Torin losing control and essentially raping her.

Time moved on and Tyler died. Casey was pregnant after what happened. Then her birth mom and boyfriend tracked Casey down and showed up at their house. Casey believed her mom was sincere while Torin didn't because he and Tyler had been investigating with their PI. During the night, while Casey was in Tyler's office, the mom and her bf ambushed her, demanding money. They accidentally set the house on fire and Torin was trapped. He managed to escape by jumping off the second floor.

The end of the book revealed that when the brothers' dad found Casey, he had brought her over to the church daycare where they were. The kids fell in love with baby Casey immediately and begged their dad to adopt her. But he couldn't. When Tyler was older, he had his dad track Casey wherever she went. And when they met outside the psychiatrist's office, although he was also awestruck by her just as Torin was, Tyler didn't realize who she was until he looked into her. So the fates had a lot to do with her connection with the brothers. It's giving me "fated mates"-- even though I love that trope so much, I just don't like it in contemporary because it's tainting that realism aspect. One would argue the fate concept does exist in real life but I just feel like it's a cop-out. I think that's my only real gripe about the story.

Overall, really enjoyed the book.