A review by tanya_tate
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

emotional reflective medium-paced


Book Stats 
Stars: 4.5 Stars
Start Date: 07/09/23
Ending Date:  09/02/23
Genre:  Memoir
Form: Hardback and Audiobook
Page Count: 304
Publishing Date: 08/09-2022
Point of View: 1st Person Autobiographical
Content Warning: Child Abuse(Mental, Sexual and Physical), Eating Disorders, Alcoholism ,Grooming

You can read it on my blog!

Thank you to Simon & Schuster at their Simon Books Buddy Program for the free book for exchange for an honest review.

Good to be reading and writing reviews again.

So I'm Glad My Mom Died.

When I first heard and read that title from Jenette, I figured a lot of things must have gone on with her relationship with her mom for her to title a memoir about her life. A lot of people thought she was being cruel and morbid to say something like that. Why would someone be glad their Mom died? Is that some twisted joke?

But for JM after I read this book, I can understand why.

I was going to try and write a proper review for this since this is the first time for me writing a review for Memoir on GR and my Blog. They are different than doing fictional books because of the fact this is a person's life that they lived and still are living it. I can't just be like " Oh where are the character developments? Where's the story building? Where's the plot? " when this is actual real life. I have to put in consideration that "Hey People lives go at a different pace in real life than in a fictional book." Since I am living my own life as well.

So this is all I have to say.

I Am Glad her Mom died too.

I'm honestly glad her mom died after reading what shit she put her through from the time she started acting at six, to when she died and even beyond because what she did effected her life in so many ways. From the calorie restrictions they started her path to on her eating disorders,(bulimia and anorexia) the sexual abuse ( like she's older enough to go to bathroom and also take a shower by her self.) to the narcissistic abuse ( constant guilt tripping, calling your child an slut and anything else because of pap photos and then trying to turn her fans against her on a fan site) and everything else in between ( not telling her dad is not her dad and she fought this out after you was in the grave) Her mom was one of those moms who was trying to live out her own dreams through her kid and didn't consider what Jennette wanted and needed from her. It was all about what the mom wanted and she didn't get it. She threw guilt trips and hysterics. Your child is in the back seat telling you they don't want to act anymore because it's not what they want and you go into a dramatic guilt trip. They should have gotten you an Oscar, Emmy, and Tony at the same time.

The book is set up in two parts.

Before- Telling about her life up to the point before her mom died and all the various acting roles she had thanks to her mom pushing her including her most famous one on Icarly.

After - Telling about her life after her mom died from eating disorders ( bulimia and anorexia) spiraling out of control, her alcoholism, her relationships and her day to day recovery of her eating disorders.

When I got to the chapter where her mom died I was actually relieved with a hint of sadness for JM even though I know she hasn't processed all the things her mom did to her. I had this sense of " Maybe things will get better for her even if her mom is gone. Maybe she'll get the help she needs. "


I had to realize that things had to get worse before they got better in which they did but at the end of the book you have a sense that things do get better.

I have watched a few episodes of Icarly when I was her age ( since we are around the same age) and always liked the JM character. To hear all the bullshit she was going through while on set from her mom to the " creator" ( DS is sick as hell), I don't blame her for not doing the reboot. As I was reading and listening to the audiobook read by JM herself, I can understand why writing was more her passion than acting. This memoir is so well written and it actually tells a story of her life. I can really see this being made into a movie and having JM be the narrator .

All in all, it was a difficult but good read hence why it took me a long time to read it.

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