A review by thomaswjoyce
The Despicable Fantasies of Quentin Sergenov by Preston Fassel


This story is a difficult one to classify. There are elements of horror, with plenty of blood and gore. There are elements of love, and identity, and the awful way some people are treated for just living their life and being who they are. There are elements of comedy and bizarro, with a subplot of crazy nazi scientist clones, kidnapping people off of the street and performing insane experiments on them. But, as crazy as all this sounds, Fassel has penned a fantastic and entertaining tale. He strikes a balance between all these different elements, never allowing the story to become too serious, or too funny, or too sad, although you will feel all of these feelings and more. I've never read American Psycho, but I have seen the movie, and there was one particular scene that put me in mind of that, the horror never far from the surface, no matter what is going on. A really fantastic read, and an author of whose work I need to read more.