A review by solitaint
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak


I don’t read historical fiction. BUT THIS. So many people have told me to read this, and I finally did!
So. It is World War 2 the story starts in 1939, and ends in 1945, like the war.
Basically it’s about this girl (Liesel) who’s taken to go to this foster family. There she becomes friends with a boy called Rudy Steiner, and they steal stuff. AND LIESEL STEALS BOOKS. (Hence the name: The Book Thief) Stuff happens and Liesel’s foster parents (Hans and Rosa) hide a Hewish man in their basement. Max (the Jewish man) and Liesel form a very strong bond over words.
Also, the story is narrated by Death. But he wasn’t all dark & depressing tm. He was just ugh. It’s hard to explain. Go read it yourself.
The way Hans and Rosa were constantly saying they hate each other and calling each other names, BECAUSE they love each other makes my heart melt.