A review by tanya_tate
Moonlight Memories by Michele Inoue


Book Stats 
Stars: 1 Star
Start Date: 09/21/23
Ending Date:  12/08/23
Genre:  Fantasy
Form: Epub
Page Count: 452
Publishing Date: 09/01/2023
Point of View: 1st Person
Setting: Tokyo,Japan

You can read on my blog.

You can also read on storygraph.

"There were so many unanswered questions that I wanted to scream."- Alya

If it's one quote that can wrap up my whole experience I have with this book, it's this one. As I write this review, you will understand why I picked that quote because it will become clear...

So I found this book by scrolling on twitter in the Sailor Moon tag. I saw that it was inspired by Sailor Moon, so why not. As I stated before in my A Blade so Black review, if I found out you are Moonie and if your story may have been inspired by Sailor Moon, I'm going to read and support.

I supported Marissa Meyer when I found out that she wrote SM fan fiction and I supported SJM after I found out she was a Moonie who wrote SM fanfiction as well.

I will always make it my mission to support Moonies since SM was my very first fandom before I was even a HP fan. Especially black Moonies like L.L McKinley, Sarah Raughley, and Roseanne Brown.
I was thinking about giving S.Jea-Jones another chance after I found out she was also a Moonie and wrote a book inspired by it since I didn't know her debut novel, Wintersong at all. (This review is probably going to be longer than that review...)

So when I saw it was inspired by Sailor Moon and the plot sounded interesting, I decided to give it a try.

Boy I should have kept scrolling and continued to read tweets about Intentional Moonies being mad that we haven't heard anything about getting Sailor Moon Cosmos.. (It’s the only reason why I'm keeping my Netflix account Toei!! lol)

So let’s see if I can get through this review because this book was more frustrating than enjoyable which honestly it could have been if the author strengthened some things and left certain things out.

So Moonlight Memories is about this young woman Alya with her childhood best friend Terra who traveled to Tokyo, Japan from Hawaii to participate in a foreign exchange program at one Tokyo University. Along the way, they met three other women Amaya, Skye, and Bridgett who are also participating in the exchange program. Due to some unseen circumstances, they all will be living in a house that is near the campus instead of in the dorms. Along with the three girls, Alya meets Kurenai Myoujou, a Japanese student at the university who will be her guide for her classes. Which they hit it off “instantly” along with other students that will help Terra and the other three. While she is trying to navigate through classes and Tokyo, the dreams of two ancient civilizations that are called the Moon Kingdom and Pangea that she was having since she was eight years old, become more and more frequent as she spends more time in Japan. She is having dreams about a Moon Princess, Four Maidens who serve the Moon Princess and An Earth Prince who are all supposed to be bound together to keep the balance of power between the Moon Kingdom and Pangea. If it doesn’t happen then things as they know will fall. As she unrevealed the meaning and secrets behind these dreams, the past and present collide and the future is uncertain.

I mean it sounds good does it? I wish it was as good as I try to make it sound which honestly it could have been and that’s the worst thing about it.

To be continued on my Blog and StoryGraph....

This review is 12 pages single space, 20 pages double spaced, and 5,206 words. The longest review I have ever written and because of that, I can't even get the whole thing on GoodReads.

It is on storygraph along with on my blog.

You can read on my blog.

You can also read on storygraph.