A review by ergative
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall


 Fundamentally fluff, beset by daddy issues that usually irrirate me, but I read it in one sitting, laughed out loud at a lot of the banter. Not between the leads, who were mostly angst and uptightery, but the bits involving side characters--especially Alex and Miffy---were pure gold. I also really liked how we got to see Luc being good at his job in multiple points. He's such a hot mess everywhere else that those scenes where he's talking to donors and showing really strong people skills to soothe over hurt feelings and squeeze the rich for charity cash by knowing exactly which pressure points work for which types of people, were vitally necessary to balance the self-loathing. I also enjoy the friend groups. Strong, supportive friend groups with individual, well-developed personalities (usually because they need to introduce characters for later books in the same series) are a real strength in the romance genre.