A review by carstairswhore
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas


I’ve always preferred TOG as a series to ACOTAR. I think that overall, TOG’s length gives room for development and foreshadowing that Sarah is really good at. While ACOMAF is one of my favorite SJM books, the end of the series in retrospect feels rushed and unsatisfying. Especially with ACOFAS, which was supposed to bridge the original trilogy with this new series, but fell really flat and was just...not very good.

But I think A Court of Silver Flames starts to redeem the ending of ACOWAR. I honestly still am not as invested in the politics and just general plot of this world as I am in TOG—I am admittedly here for the characters and the romances only. And ACOSF does both of those things extremely well.

I have always liked Nesta—I think she’s different from a lot of protagonists I see. She’s mean, but not in a sarcastic or like...slightly charming way (like Aelin, who can be really mean but it’s part of her like swagger or whatever). Nesta is bitter and angry and I LOVE IT. But she’s also intensely broken and seeing her reckon with those feelings—and come out with an outlet for her anger, stronger both mentally and physically? And her journey of learning to stop self sabotaging and hurting herself and others around her? I loved it.

And of course I love Cassian because he’s charming and hot and whatever. But this was really Nesta’s story. And I loved the development of her friendship with Emerie and Gwyn, and the whole organization behind the Valkyries. Except I think SJM clearly being inspired by Valkyries from norse mythology but then not changing the name is lazy writing. Same with Koschei. Being inspired by folklore (ha) or mythology is one thing but throwing them in your books without changing anything does just feel really lazy to me!

I also was annoyed by the pregnancy plot line. I knew it was coming because of that scene in TOG but like...I just hate when romances throw in a pregnancy to show like the ultimate “happily ever after” or whatever. Not everyone wants kids and not every couple needs them. I don’t know this is definitely just a personal preference but it’s just like...why.

I have my usual critiques about SJM books: the sex scenes often get really cringe, she has a lot of crutch words, the over use of “males” and “females”...but like. It gave me what I expected which was emotional character development and catharsis and romance. So like. What more could I ask for.

Basically: Nesta Archeron supremacy. #NestaIsTheBetterArcheron