A review by jazmin
Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore


“Perhaps this is not a question of staying out of trouble, Your Grace. Perhaps this is about deciding on which side of history you want to be.”

An incredibly motivational historical romance filled with witty characters who know what they want.

The Characters
I had a lot of fun reading this book. Annabelle was an intriguing heroine, and not the sort of protagonist that is often featured in historical romances. I really loved her journey in this book. On the other hand, I liked Sebastian’s character but definitely not as much as I liked Annabelle. He often came off as standoffish and while he was ultimately a good person, it didn’t always seem that way. I enjoyed them as a couple, but for some reason I wasn’t as passionate about them as I am about most pairings. I can say, however, that I appreciated how logical the conflicts they faced were. We all know that plenty of romances have conflicts that make absolutely no sense and are just there to further the plot.

“Tell me,” he said, “how frustrating is it to be surrounded by people considered your betters when they don’t hold a candle to your abilities?”

The Suffragists
This book was advertised as a feminist book about suffragists and the women’s right to vote, but unfortunately there wasn’t as much of that as I had hoped. It seemed like the whole suffragists plot was there only to reinforce the romance, when I wanted it to be the other way around. I loved the scenes that we did see as well as all of Lucie, Hattie and Catriona’s appearances, but there just wasn’t enough. I hope there’s more social justice elements in Lucie’s books because she had a much bigger role than Annabelle.

“Because, my lord, if the marchioness believes that the female brain is incapable of forming a sound analysis on political issues, why should anyone trust her analysis on women in politics?”

The Setting
This might not be the most important thing to write about, but I just wanted to say that I loved this book’s setting and overall ambiance. It felt different from most historical romances, and our characters visited a lot of unique places, that’s for sure, but it still had the ability to make me feel like I was really in that time period.