A review by bookswithdes
Taming 7 by Chloe Walsh


This book lived up to every one of my expectations, it made my heart happy but it also broke it into pieces. I loved Young Claire and Gibsie just seeing their friendship and love was already so freaking perfect when they were just 5 and 7 years old. And I’m not kidding when I say I cried at least 3 times in just the prologue 😭. If I thought the prologue hurt, my poor heart did not expect chapter 59 to absolutely obliterate it into pieces. But it made me so happy to finally get Claire and Gibsie’s story. To see how deeply in love they were. To see their perfect friendship. Not only that, but I loved seeing another side of Gibsie. Like did it absolutely break my heart? Yes, but it just made him 10x more human and made me fall in love with him even more. I also loved how intent he was on protecting Claire’s heart in every aspect. He was similar to Johnny where he never ever pressured her or moved too fast, he was the exact opposite, it was perfect. The only downside was I wish we got more time with them. Like more of them just hanging out or whatever. Also there’s one plotline I wish she continued, and it was when Claire was helping him get over his fear of water. Like it was just one scene and then it was forgotten. Plus, I immediately started tearing up when Gibsie went to visit his father and sister's grave 😢. And he told his little sister to cover her ears because he’s going to be having a boy talk with his dad 😭. 
Also, if you didn’t like Lizzie in any of the previous books, then you will definitely HATE her here. 
At first, I was like there’s no way she’s as bad as everyone is insinuating. But then she said one absolutely atrocious thing to Gibsie and I wanted her to die. Like I understand she was upset over what happened with her sister, but it was in so way Gibsie’s fault. Like her hate and anger towards him was unnecessary. Then after she found out the truth about everything, she’s just in complete denial. I just hope she feels absolute guilt over everything she’s done. And I know Joey said he would always protect her no matter what because of what she did for him. He NEEDS to do something, even though he’s the absolute best at minding his own business, I hope he tells her to rethink everything she’s ever known. Aside from the absolute shit show of a person we learn Lizzie to be, we also get tons of insight into her and Hughie. Not only that, but we see more of Feely, and I NEED more of him. Like I think he is an absolute sweetie pie. 
And of course, we get the absolute best tidbits of my favorite BOT couple, Johnny and Shannon 🥹. Every time they were on the page together, it made my heart so happy. And Johnny Kavanagh just kept proving why he’s the best BOT MMC ever.  And then I love it anytime Ollie and Sean are on the page 🥹, they’re so adorable. Especially on Halloween and Ollie was dressed as a barrister and he was like just like my dad 😭😭. And then seeing Johnny’s reaction to finding out what happened to gibsie absolutely shredded me to pieces. Then he just kept showing how he was the absolute best friend anyone could ask for. Like their friendship is absolutely top tier, and we got to see just how much Gibsie appreciates him as a friend. Like I LOVE the goofy parts of their friendship, but knowing how vulnerable they can be with each other makes me so happy. 
Favorite quotes/scenes:
“I like your face when you do that.” (Claire) 
“Do what?” 
“Smile. It makes my tummy wobble.” (Claire) 
“Uh-huh. Like jiggly jelly.” (Claire) 
“You’re still holding my hand.” (Claire) 
“Sorry. It’s just…holding your hand makes me feel better.” 
“It does?” (Claire) 
“Yeah. Is that okay?” 
“Yep. You can hold my hand forever.” (Claire) 
“You promise?” 
Uh-huh. I promise.” (Claire) 
“If I could sew this girl to my skin without causing her an ounce of harm, then I would do it in a heartbeat. That’s how vital she was to my life. How essential she was to my existence. If drugs were to Joey Lynch what Claire Biggs was to me, then there was no amount of rehab that could sway me to kick the habit. Because she was the habit of my lifetime.” 
“Claire meant it when she told me that she loved me. That was the first of two things in life I was sure of, and I  meant it right back. That was the second thing I was sure of. If I knew nothing else in this world, then I knew that I loved Claire Biggs. More than she could ever know. More than one lousy four-letter word could ever depict.” 
“Snuggling my Claire-Bear equals a happy Gibsie. Running laps on the treadmill until I puke equals a very unhappy Gibsie. It’s all about priorities, babe.” 
“And I’m yours?” 
“I swear to Christ, lad, if you put so much as a finger on her, I will legit kill you dead this time.” 
On her or in her?” 
“Gibs, I’d let my ma adopt the whole bleeding school if it meant that I got to keep that girl.” 
“Little Shannon, huh? What a number she did on your heart, lad.” 
“Tell me about it.” 
“I just…love him so much. Oh god, but my heart loves you most of all.” 
“Right back at you, Shannon like the river.” 
“You’re really for keeps, aren’t you?” 
“Just try to get rid of me. I’ve got you, my little darling.” 
“And I’ve got you, Binding 13.” 
“Truth be told, it almost felt like a part of me was programmed to love him. It had come to me as easily. As easy as breathing. There wasn’t a point in time that I could safely identify where he didn’t live in my memory.” 
“This boy had always been my favorite boy. My favorite friend, person, human, everything.” 
“Hi, Gibs.” 
“Little Shannon. How’s my second favorite girl in the world? All set for fifth year?” 
“Sufficiently terrified. And I guess we’ll soon see if I’m ready or not, huh?” 
“You’ve got this, little fighter. You’re going to make this school year your bitch.” 
“Shannon Lynch was his endgame, and Johnny Kavanagh was hers.” 
"Why do you do it?" 
"Hmm? Do what?" 
"Waste your time on me?" 
"For two reasons. First, because I happen to believe that no time is ever wasted when I'm with you. And second, you're my favorite person in the whole world. There's no one I would rather spend my time with." 
“She was so fucking beautiful that it made my chest ache. Honest to God, looking at this girl for too long caused a physical ache to develop in my rib cage. Even the back of her head. That was all I could see from my current viewpoint, and still, my heart bucked wildly in response.” 
"I don't have good dreams when I sleep. But whenever I daydream, you're the star of the show." 
"I am?" 
"Of course." 
"Keep going?" 
"I have a hard time concentrating. But when I'm with you, I feel like I have my thinking cap on. You're the only person who can hold my attention. It shifts and wanders off on just about everyone else. But not you. Never you." 
"How many kids?" 
"I don't know, maybe two or three. Definitely not one on his own. Wouldn't want them to be lonely?" 
"Girls or boys?" 
"What are you doing? Stop encouraging this behavior!" 
"Whatever Shan can give me. I'll take whatever she's willing to give me. You know, I think I'd love a daughter. I'd be delighted with sons, too, of course, but I'd love to raise a little girl with Shan. You know, show her how different it should've been for her." 😭😭
“My life consisted of this girl. Of the perfume she wore. Of the smiles she offered. The clothes she chose on a particular day. The colors she painted her nails. She was tattooed inside of me, and I was hooked. Claire was my safe place.” 
"Gibs, for the last time, stop bleeding spooning me!" was the first thing I heard my best friend say on Wednesday morning, swiftly followed by the heel of his foot digging into my shin. 
"Okay, ow. That fucking hurt, Cap. You know I bruise like a peach." 
"It was supposed to. Since when have I ever given you the impression that I'm the little spoon in this relationship?" 
"And I am?" 
"Well, it isn't bleeding me!" 
"You're in my seat." 
"I didn't see your name on it, lad" 
"It’s right there" Hugh offered, using his fork to point out the word Gibsie engraved on the chair. "Move." 
"Don't families usually eat dinner together?" 
"They do. He is family.” 
"The only thing you're going to have wrong with you is my toe up your hole if you don't pack it in." 
"Jonathan! Apologize to Gerard right this instant." (Edel) 
"For what? He's the one faking a chronic lung disease!" 
"We don't threaten anyone's backsides with our toes in this house. You know better." (Edel) 
"I apologize, Gerard." 
"Thank you, Jonathan. All is forgiven." 
"What a relief.” 
"When I'm not with you, it feels like I've misplaced a limb. It feels bad, Claire" 
"I know, Gerard. It's the same for me." 
"Please don't let me break this. I can't lose you, Claire." 
"You won't. You couldn't lose me if you tried, Gerard Gibson." 
"Wow, Ols. Fancy." 
"I'm a barrister," he explained, dressed in a designer suit, with sunglasses perched on his nose. He even had his hair slicked back like one of those corporate lawyers in the movies. "Like my dad." 😭😭
"Because I might be tempted to do more than just dance with her? I might be lured into performing the physical act of love." 
"You do realize it's me you're talking to, don't you, Gibs? As in Claire's mother." 
"Oh yes. I'd know your tits anywhere. Thank you, by the way. 
For making Claire. You did a top-notch job on that one. The older one could do with a bit of work, but the younger one is perfect." 
"Oh dear. I think it's time someone's mother comes to collect him." 
"I think you might be right. Meanwhile, until she arrives, I must resume my dancing a safe distance from your daughter's perfect tits. Thanks for those, too, by the way." 
"I've never felt safe around boys or men. For obvious reasons." (Shannon) 
"But I feel safe around Gibs. Aside from Johnny, he's the only other boy whose hands I would willingly put my life in." (Shannon 🥹) 
“Being with him felt effortless because it felt so natural. Like this is what I was supposed to do. These lips were the ones my lips had been waiting for and no other lips would do. These hands were the ones my body accepted without question or doubt. This boy was the boy. The boy my heart had been created to beat for. The boy I was made to love. It was effortless.” 
"Do you want to be my best friend? Looks like I'm not getting out of this town anytime soon, so I might as well put down some roots." 
"Yeah, you." 
"You want me to be your best friend?" 
He nodded again, and I could tell from just one interaction with him that he wa sharp. This lad was nobody's fool. He had clearly taken everyone's measure and, for som strange reason, had decided that I was the best of a bad bunch. 
"So, what's it going to be, Gibs?" 
"Yeah. I'm in." 
"You're the best friend I've ever had, and I love the fucking bones of you, ya mad eejit. And if you think this is going to chase me off, then you've another thing coming, fucker, because I'm never leaving you. Do ya hear me? Because you're my Gibs." 
"And you're my Kav." 
"That's right." 
"I won't apologize for what I did because I love you. Do you hear me? I love you, Gerard Gibson. I love the boy you were, and I love the man you've become. And I will stand up for all of your forms, baby, boy, or man! I will fight for you even when you can't do it for yourself because that's what best friends do. And I will never apologize for it." 
“I might not know who I was or where I fit in the world, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I didn't want any of it without Claire Biggs. Or Cap.” 
"You make me feel like it's possible.” 
"Hmm? Like what's possible?" 
"Like everything is going to be okay again. Like I'm going to be okay." 
"Because it is. Because you are." 
"Yeah. But you make me believe it." 
“And I'm not afraid anymore to stand up for 
myself, or for what I believe in, and especially who I believe in. And it's you, Gerard. All paths lead to you. So, if I have to step on a few toes along the way, then so be it. Because from here on out, we're a team. And if the whole world tries to take you on, then they have to take me on, too. You come first, Gerard." 
“I would forever stand with this boy. After all, taming 7 had been the adventure of my lifetime.”